Twitter Includes Pre-Roll Ads For Periscope Video

Twitter has been trying different things to improve their revenue performance and the new option is the pre-roll video ads can be seen on Periscope. The pre-roll video ads are available on this platform with minimum features and now Twitter is planning to add live-streams. According to Twitter, the Periscope videos ads will be used as live and videos on on-demand that will help to attract the audiences at the right moments. The more realistic options in Periscope help the people to get live experiences as well as conversations. Twitter has made an important note that the video publishers will have control over the ad placement. Pre-roll ads seen on Periscope video will help the brands to attract to their message using a particular broadcast from its publishers. The risk involved in placing the ads on a live content can be high, but the advertisers are expected to give their full support in this creation to reach a proper audience. The introduction of the pre-roll ads will be mainly helpful for the brands as they can easily attract the customers.

According to a report, most of the people just skip the pre-roll ads to watch the video and these ads are also been one of the main reasons for people not watching the video content. The pre-roll ads are similar to the banner ads which are usually disturbing for the viewers even though they are effective for few people. Blocking of ads by the audience has been increasing when compared to the last year which is one of the important things to notice. The ads seen on the Periscope videos are available for the people to choose the advertisers with Twitter Amplify. This new option is expected to be introduced by Twitter in few months. According to Kayvon Beykpour, the Periscope CEO advertiser will be aware about the content to be used in the ads and from the publisher which will be placed on top. The publisher will also know what exactly the advertisers will be including their creative video with their content.

Another important update from Twitter is the latest ‘Upload 360 Video’ option included in the Media Studio which is one of the most important sign that Twitter has been updating its features. The brands can place their pre-roll ads in the 360 Periscope content which is a great way of attracting the audience on Twitter. The 360-video degree has been the latest attractive features that help to generate more viewers and it has already been an important part of the social media platforms. YouTube ads have already been some criticism from most of its viewers for the ads similar to pre-roll video ads on Twitter. Now Twitter has to give special attention for its pre-roll video ads and they should not face criticism similar to YouTube. All these updates are really interesting for the brands as they can increase their engagement with the people on this social media platform.

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