RSS feeds To Get Prospects In Twitter
RSS feeds can be one of the best option to look for better prospects in Twitter. It is also important to organize the best way to find relevant conversations in Twitter. Twitter has been one of the most advanced social networking website that has been very much popular all over the world. You will be able to organize your tweets by priority with the help of RSS feeds. There are ways that can be followed to create Twitter timelines before the RSS feeds to get more leads.
1. Create Twitter timelines that are related to your targets- The advance search option in Twitter can be a very important option to set parameters like location and more. It is possible to know what the people are thinking about different brands and their point of view. You can also create the Twitter lists on your own which can be kept public or private as per your choice.
2. Twitter Widgets- The widgets can also be created after your have subscribed to the Twitter lists. Then it is possible to create the RSS feeds to the widgets that has been made and organize feeds using the favorite RSS reader. You will have various options after creating the widgets such as tweets by particular user, likes by particular user handles and more.
3. RSS Feed and Twitter Widget- Now you will be able to create the RSS feed for each widget. You cans also create more timeline widgets to get a number of URLs related to RSS feed that can be used for importing as well as categorizing in news reader. Now try to include Feed to the RSS Reader by pasting the URL in search box located on top of the page.
4. Tools for RSS Feeds dashboard- After creating the RSS-powered dashboard to monitor your Twitter actions, there are few tools that can make it more interesting. is a tool that can track all the interactions made in Twitter along with information of active followers, engagement histories and more. Another important tool is Leadfeeder that works like Google Analytics and keeps a track about the person who is in a particular company in which you are engaged visits your website. This tries to search the company associated with to show the social profiles that are important to your website. Cyfe is another tool that can be used to create analytics dashboard for tracking your website activity, social activity and more in one place. This can save time and also make your work much easier.
All these options are widely used by most of the Twitter users to receive more leads related to their brands. By doing this it is possible to make your work simple in Twitter and there is no need to do all the things in a single day. It is also one of the best way to reduce unwanted noise in Twitter and you will be able to get only relevant information by following these steps.